Proud Partners with Moët Hennessy,
Veuve Clicquot & Dom Pérignon

Offering the finest long stemmed roses & champagne brands. The golden amber of these champagne brings a sense of sheer decadence and sophistication to any occasion - to be enjoyed on your special night, or saved for a later occasion.

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Offering the finest long stemmed roses & an assortment of melt in the mouth, velvety chocolate.
For 90 years, Godiva has been crafting exceptional chocolate pieces made from the highest quality ingredients. Think of this as the little black dress of chocolate - timelessly elegant and always in style.

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Attention to detail that makes us stand out. Continuous search for the very finest roses and luxury packaging define our brand. A landmark event in your life? A loved ones Birthday? A romantic evening? An everyday moment you want to make extra-special? Only the best. Roses Only for every occasion.

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for your roses

The quintessential flower of enchantment, roses run a gamut of emotion. From the depths of passionate romance to the whimsical excitement of friendship; the fluidity of the rose guarantees it a place in the heart of most, everyone. To ensure your roses receive the quality care they deserve - Follow these easy steps to care for your roses. With proper care your roses can last 5-7 days

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Drop a hint
a little help from a friend

Do you wish that a certain someone would buy you Roses? Click the button below, fill out a quick form, and we drop a gentle hint in the virtual mail pointing your significant other, friend, family member—whoever you choose—in the right direction. We will even sweeten the deal for them, so it's worth their while (and yours). 

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